Swg how to go on leave

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He countered quickly, sliding his pike down his opponent’s extended blade and pushing the back-end of it forward to knock into the man’s side. The tip of the vibroblade ghosted along his jaw and left a thin trail of blood as he reared back just in time, his eyes flaring with annoyance as he only barely managed to deflect the rest of the strike. He was not one for being taken by surprise and yet the voices had done just that, and caused a distraction just long enough for his opponent to take advantage and aim a vicious slash aimed at severing his head from his body.

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One has awakened who will upset the balance. A battle raged around him and yet he heard the voices clearly above all else, a persistent tug at the corner of his mind. The voices – if they could even be called voices – were a duality in themselves, sounding both like a raucous cacophony and tender whisper in perplexing harmony with one another.